ALAS project aims at:
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establishing a stable and durable co-operation network of the
participating areas, open for other areas and partners, to base
economic development on the cultural heritage of these areas,
in particular their salt-works exploited in a traditional way,
and to maintain and create permanent jobs;
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gaining, exchanging and transferring experience and know-how through
the implementation of a concerted programme of activities related
to the cultural and natural heritage of traditional salt-works;
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enhancing economic development and creating additional job opportunities
in the partner regions, both with regard to the traditional production
of salt and its marketing and to quality tourism;
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improving awareness with regard to the importance of cultural
heritage for development;
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supporting the management and maintenance of the cultural and
natural heritage in the areas of the network as a basis of regional
development, in particular for tourism;
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producing visible, long-lasting outputs, such as pilot realisations
and publications useful beyond this project;
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sustainable improvement of the public and private management structures,
methods and capacities in the partner areas;
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contributing to the solution of specific local problems that the
partner areas are facing;
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identifying possibilities of using other private and public financing
sources, including future mainstream Structural Funds, in relation
to the subject of the project;
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having the partners of the network better prepared for the future
challenges and tasks of economic development in their particular